Serena Elizabeth Barry

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Just Because it Didn’t Work Out Doesn’t Mean you Failed

Serena Barry, July 2 2021

It's hard to admit that things don’t always go our way. We become helpless as we do everything humanly possible to grasp at our now mourned past. We mourn the life that we wanted for ourselves as we become thrusted into our new reality. It's the pit in our stomach, the itch that can’t be scratched, the little voice echoing in the back of our mind....

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Wait.... My Voice Matters?

Serena Barry, June 11 2021

I know... I know.. we have heard it all before. We have heard the notion that our voice matters and that we all have a story to tell. So, let me add to this narrative, because it’s true. Your voice does matter and it holds power. Did it take me about 20 years to come to this conclusion? Yes! So now that I know the importance of our own voice, let m...

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